Yearly Archives: 2023

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The consequences of falling behind on child support

Child support is an important responsibility that parents have towards their children. When parents fall behind…

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3 tips for handling a construction contract dispute

In the world of construction, agreements and contracts are the backbone of every project. However, sometimes…

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Caste discrimination at work: California votes for a total ban

California already has existing laws to protect employees against discriminatory acts based on the range of…

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Co-parenting considerations for a special needs child

Going through a divorce in California is difficult for all children, but it is even more…

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3 ways to make decisions during a divorce

Ideally, couples can talk and work through divorce matters, amicably agreeing based on the circumstances. Although,…

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The difference between merger, acquisition and sale of a business

Sales and acquisitions are terms in the business context that people confuse and sometimes even mistake…

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